So you’ve had your flawless spray tan applied and it looks fabulous for 2 days, only for you to wake on day 3 looking like a freshly baked Tiger Loaf (Google’s Tiger Loaf). Not a good look. And not exactly what your San Jose Spray Tan Artist told you would happen, right? You were expecting gorgeous glowing skin for 7-10 days. So what happened? But more importantly, what can you do now?

Well, there’s a few different reasons this could have happened and there’s also a few ways to help prevent it from happening with future spray tans. First of all, your crackly Tiger Loaf skin doesn’t mean your Spray Tanning Artist applied the solution incorrectly. It’s much more to do with the skin than the actual application of the tanning solution.

Our skin naturally exfoliates itself. Sheds new skin, if you will. And everyone’s skin self exfoliates at different rates. The drier your skin equals a faster rate of exfoliation and this exfoliation is what causes that cracked tan effect. Unfortunately, once the crackling in your spray tan has begun there is little you can do to resurrect that initial glow. The best thing to do at this point is to use a good skin exfoliant and remove the tan. Get the skin back to a blank canvas and focus on hydrating the skin ahead of your next spray tanning appointment.  

There’s a number of things that you can do before you have your next San Jose spray tan applied to avoid this happening again –

  • Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated
  • Use a good quality skin moisturizer daily after every shower
  • Avoid products containing alcohol as these dry out our skin
  • Limit caffeine intake as this can dehydrate our skin
  • Exfoliate dead skin cells weekly

Here at San Jose Tanning we use solutions that do not contain Alcohol as this is a known ingredient to cause over drying to the skin. We also use a hydrating PH spray at every appointment to prep the skin before spraying.