Did you ever flick through vogue in your early 20’s and wonder how all these women looked like they just came back from 2 weeks in St.Tropez? Well….yeah….me too. Because let’s face it, they certainly weren’t laying out under those harmful UV rays tanning. God forbid these beautiful supermodels risk premature aging and sun spots.
A natural born red head myself, tanning out in the sun wasn’t exactly an option for me anyway. Summers as a teenager were spent in oversized t-shirts and sunblock. I was desperate to hide my pasty white skin and if I didn’t spend my days in the shade, then my pale white skin would quickly resemble that of a lobster.
By time my 20’s rolled around I had already tried every self-tanning product on the market at that time. Fair to say I have experienced more than a few disastrous self-tanning moments. And why did we have to capture everything on a pink Canon camera back then?! Ugh.
I was the only one wearing pants to my best friend’s 18th Birthday Party after my legs developed looking like I’d rolled around in mud. Picture 15 girls standing in a line, all wearing pretty dresses. I stood out like a sore thumb. A sore thumb with a really bad tan. Then there was the time I wore a white dress on a date. The kind of date that you spend 5 hours preparing for and you’ve already picked out your children’s names. Well, on the walk from the car to the restaurant it started to rain and by time we got to the restaurant my I had orange tan marks running down the entire front of my dress. Suffice to say there was not a second date.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I was hooked on the artificial glow of self-tanning products but why couldn’t I achieve the same standard as those women in Vogue?
Because they were getting spray tanned by professionals.

That was when everything changed. I made an appointment with a professional spray tanning artist and I never looked back.
I was hooked.
I walked out of that first spray tanning appointment feeling a level of confidence I had never felt before that day. Even my legs felt sexy. My legs had never felt sexy. ‘Wait, should I put some shorts on? I’m going to. I’m going to wear some shorts’ It was like I had new skin. New, glowing, tanned…..Vogue skin.